What the saying also does is keep you in the real world and not some fantasy land that suggests that life is going to be a bed of roses without the thorns. The first thing you are alerted to is that the lemons are coming, they will arrive, and they will find you. You could be walking down the street minding your own business when all of a sudden, a lemon hits you right on your head, knocks you down and you feel like staying down for the ten count.
Or sometimes you may have just finished clearing up all your projects, your mind is in the tranquility zone and then in walks your bosses secretary with a basket full of lemons, she rests them on your desk, smiles and says have a nice weekend. Then there are those stretches when it feels like its raining lemons, at work, at home, at school you can’t seem to catch a break and what makes it worse when you look over at the other guy, they are covered in sunshine and rainbows.
So if you are going to have lemons and if challenges and obstacles are a part of life then you must prepare yourself to weather the storm. Effectively plan your days in advance, keep your body in good physical shape by eating right and a finding time for a good work out regiment. Exercise your mind by reading good books and keeping up with the current events of the day, especially those that will affect your daily coming and goings. A daily dose of spiritual uplifting for the inner self can do wonders for the strength to persevere.
The next step for you is a required action, to make lemonade of the lemons. You are not meant to discard or avoid the lemons what is being suggested is that you turn you challenges into triumphs. That the very obstacles which are inhibiting you from moving forward, you are to use to achieve your greatness. Reach out, grab and take hold of the lemon and recognize it for what it is, an opportunity to overcome another hurdle on your path to success.
By becoming engaged in the utilization of the lemons, you will not allow yourself to be overpowered or incapacitated by the test that is placed before you. And all of the fears that would have been holding you back, would have also been dispelled, and are now only considered as relics of a past long forgotten. Your present finds you committed and focused on one goal, which is to squeeze every drop and use every aspect of the lemon to bring about your desired future.
The other great thing to note about lemons, is that you’re not regulated to just make lemonade. You are at liberty to make lemon juice, or even Iced Tea or any other product that it can be used for. The thing is you do not have to be regulated to the obvious. This first priority in the achievement of a successful defeat of any challenge is in first determining what you want your desired outcome to be. And key to that desired outcome is it must be bringing you ever closer to your greatness.
Be open minded, do not be afraid or allow your ego to get in the way of you soliciting different points of view or ideas from those whom you trust. Take the opportunity to be thorough in your analyzation of the obstacle and seek multiple angles of approaches to solving the situation. Once you have made the decision to move forward be relentless but adaptable in your pursuit. You may from time to time be required to make necessary adjustments, do not delay and always focus on what needs to be done not the inconvenience.
This is your time, this time has been given you to achieve your greatness but that does not mean you will not have to experience hurdles that may have to be jumped over, desert valleys to cross or even the occasional rain showers of lemons. Plan and be prepared to persevere. This is your Business, this is The Business of You.
Keith M. Dean