Most entrepreneurs when beginning their businesses often devalue the importance of having the right tools(employee’s), in the right place for the right time. With so much having to happen before the doors open, such as regulatory issues, construction, sales and marketing, financing etc. many if not all the employee related issues end up on the back burners. However much like all the afore mentioned areas, employee related issues should have an established deadline that is well before the companies start date.
By setting the appropriate deadline gives you ample time to Review, Rewrite and/or Rehire if needed. This also allows you to focus on the most vital issue of customer service when the doors open. There is also the inevitability of the unexpected happening, with having all your I’s dotted and t’s crossed, instead of these situations becoming stress filled they can now be looked at as opportunities to showcase the high-quality level of the planning and training that was given to the employees.
The truth is none of us would like to be caught on the side of the road with a flat tire, without a car jack or the wheel wrench, even worse what if you did have them but they were either broken or the wrong size, none of these scenarios ends up with you changing your tire right away, only delays and frustrations of all kinds. For a business to ensure consistent productivity and a high performing bottom line it needs to have not only have employees where they are needed, but motivated employees and well-trained employees. Time is money, no company wants to disappoint their clients, by not having the above mentioned tools(employees) in place, will only lead to poor customer service handling, an inferior product, and financial losses.
If you want to see if a mechanic or contractor values his tools, watch how he takes care of them. If you want to see if a company values, its employees look at how it treats and safeguards them. The great mechanics tell you their tools are their livelihood, that’s why they check them daily for cleaning and fine tuning. They secure them to ensure that they don’t get damaged. And 99.9% of time only uses them for the purposes for which they were designed and/or purchased, that’s why the have so many tools.
The great companies much like the great mechanics and contractors do the same, they understand that a business needs its employees just as much as the employees need the business. They are constantly looking for ways to create programs which strengthen communication between management and frontline staff. Training and Career Path Development is of major importance and considered as a Key Performance Indicator of the business. Safety is priority one, like the say the proof is in the pudding by having bi-annual internal safety surveys, Safety Audits to drive accountability, an engaged safety committee and collaborative departmental safety awareness programs employees feel safe and work safe.
In the end tools(employees) are a business’s most important asset. Regardless of the type of business all want to be successful, all want their product or services delivered to their clients in the right manner. Investing to hire the best may feel to be costly at first, however in the long run you will save, save, save. Without a doubt having the right employee, in the right place at the right time will not only gets the job done right, but it will also lead to an increase in the business financial bottom line.
Keith M. Dean/CEO Founder-The BusinessofU