Is it a good thing or a bad thing, that parents no longer have to admonish their children to be quiet at the dinner table, all because they are deep into the distractions of their phones.
Technological advancement has it much needed pros, yet if not unchecked can lead to the devaluation of the important purpose and need for and of the physical interaction human element.
As leaders we must ensure that within our environments, isolationism does not ease it way in and take root in the tree of our company’s culture. Synergetic Teamwork requires more communication not less. Diversity and Inclusivity brings better well-rounded decision making and solutions to a fast growing, and complex society.
Here are some thoughts on how to possibly build a strengthen the value of the human element in your environments:
1.Establish Inclusive Hiring Practices: Try this idea the “blind recruitment technique’, it requires that we remove names and demographic details from resumes during initial screenings, to ensure fair consideration for all candidates based solely on qualifications and merit.
2.Foster Collaborative Team Environments: We can do more by encouraging cross-functional collaboration and diverse perspectives in our project teams, and by being proactive in finding and leveraging the technology to facilitate remote work and communication platforms that enable inclusivity regardless of physical location.
3.Promote Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Training: Implement mandatory training programs and social activities that educate employees on the benefits of cultural diversity, the negative effects of implicit biases, and the gains which can come about because of inclusive practices. With the end game of fostering a workplace culture that values and respects differences.
The challenge: have a meeting on just one of the ideas and see where it leads.
Have a Wonder Filled Day! 💯
Keith M. Dean CEO / Founder – The BusinessofU