The Business of leadership requires one to embrace all the attributes of servant leadership.
The art of servant leadership is not just expressed from the application of trained knowledge, but comes from deep within, from the heart, which expresses the why. Leaders who believe and embrace servant leadership have embedded within them as a core value, the principle of service to others.
It is this why which keeps the servant leader forever rooted and unwavering regardless of the hardships that befall them. It is this why which compels the servant leader to always communicate with the intent to uplift and inspire through accountability and empowerment. It is this why which drives the commitment of the servant leader to remain steadfast understanding the high importance of their example to be above the reproach of criticism.
At the heart of servant leadership is the unquenchable desire to know the needs of those they serve recognizing with the fulfillment of each need a cemented block is laid which strengthens and fortifies the continuous building of healthy relationships.
The pressures of the times seem to have reached unbearable points with the rise in suicides, alcohol and drug abuse, mental pressures, financial instability, joblessness there are many who are experiencing their darkest hour while coming to work every day.
Leadership requires that your managerial internal communication program not only address the numbers that are important to the success of the company but also the human assets which are the drivers of those numbers.
Be the servant leader whose image is reflective of the sun which brings hope by the sign of the rainbow it creates or be the servant leader more comfortably aligned with the moon whose light pierces through the darkness to brighten and expose a hidden path. Choose either or but don’t stand idly by being nothing.
Keith M. Dean/CEO & Founder – The BusinessofU