As true as it is that you need to breathe to stay alive, there is an unavoidable certainty, regardless whether you’re a brand new start up or a legacy twenty year old business that at some point there will arise a Goliath of a problem. The nature of the problem is indicative of the name association. It does not matter if it has mushroomed to this point from constant inattention or from out of nowhere it landed as a left handed sucker punch “Goliath’s” are matters that require immediate attention, otherwise if neglected can result in grave consequences.

In urgently attempting to deal with the GOLIATH in the room it can be easy to fall into the trap of looking for quick superficial solutions. GOLIATH’S are not symptoms they are root causes. Making this fundamental mistake is common however finding solutions for only the symptoms will only exacerbate the GOLIATH not kill it. Getting rid of the GOLIATH once and for all will require that there is a continual asking of the why of the why’s with no fear of where the questions and answers lead even if it is back those asking the why’s.
There are a few Key Elements required to ensure a complete and comprehensive understanding is achieved. 1. The Goliath is real. 2. Involve ALL stakeholders that are being affected and will be affected. 3. Honesty is definitely the best policy in these situations. 4. Never stop asking the Why of the Why’s. 5. Listen intently to all that is being said. 6. Determine and separate the symptoms. 7. Stay focused on the Goliath. 8. There is a solution for every Goliath

After peeling off layer after layer and finding out what it is you are really dealing with, it will be so much easier to select the right person or persons who will go after, and do what is needed to put this GOLIATH to rest. With the GOLIATH demanding urgent attention, taking too much time in making this decision can lead to dire results. It is in these times when relying on previously shown leadership and management skills from personnel will be the determining factor.
Hence as a company were personnel being observed and evaluated on their day to day efforts in their working environments. At any given point were individuals assigned tasks that stretched them outside of their comfort zone. Does the company encourage constructive feedback from peers, subordinates and direct reports? How often is time taken for one on one meeting formal or casual?
When needing a team it is vital to recognize that each team member will bring their individual personalities. Strengths and areas which need developing will also have to be considered. Building a dream team to stop the GOLIATH where it stands will require; 1. That strengths offset weaknesses. 2. There is unity in purpose. 3. Open Communication. 4. Respect for others. 5. Focus on the End Game 6.Confidence. 7. Commitment to completing the task

The GOLIATH should never be underestimated, it should be treated like a virus. A virus that if not dealt with urgently will affect every aspect of the company and if not effectively it will rear its ugly head again sometime in the near future causing greater harm. Any result short of eliminating the GOLIATH should be considered unacceptable.
It would be unwise and unfair to galvanize a team or select an individual to tackle this GOLIATH and not arm those called to action with the right tool(s). And without question the most valued tool that must be given is INFORMATION.
Receiving the information from a trusted source is key. This will guarantee that no further delays will occur due to second guessing the validity of information.
The information must be accurate. It is no fun finding out you have stepped in quicksand after you have been told it’s only a foot deep mud hole. Fear, doubt and mistrust will now enter the equation which will ultimately leads to failure.
It must be comprehensible. All involved must have a clear picture of all the details. Individuals feel a lot more comfortable jumping in and swimming in clear waters, than waters that are murky. Buy in from everyone is critical to eradicating the GOLIATH. And with teams this enables individuals to understand how their roles are fully woven together to bring about success.
The information must be in real time. Circumstances can change as quickly as a chameleon. In the morning the GOLIATH may only be infecting one department by end of business day it is now infecting three more. The company’s interdepartmental communication synergy will be tested more than ever before, if it fails, disaster is unavoidable.

The demand for immediate solution(s) though needed because of the urgency, can be a powerful force to implement the first idea brought to the table. This is an opportune time to get as many involved in the solution process, most importantly those closest to the root cause. Solutions like the GOLIATH should be analyzed with the same due diligence. Every screw requires the right fit nut to ensure that the fastening is a success and holds permanently.
It goes without saying that GOLIATH’S can seem to be overwhelming beasts when first starting to deal with them. However like every other animal it is vulnerable at its weakest point. And it is that point which should be the primary target of the focus. Again do not be distracted by the symptoms, because they are smaller it can be easily assumed that these are the weakest points. However often times the GOLIATH’S weakest point is found at the core, and like a volcano when the core is cooled the fishers stop popping up.
Keith M. Dean / CEO & Founder – BusinessofU