Every business must have a Vison, without it, it will perish. Do you have a Vision for The Business of You? That vision for yourself it must be defined by a mission or purpose, and they have to be aligned. The goals that you are setting everyday they need to be geared towards achieving your vision and your body and mind need to be so focused and so driven that nothing will stop you from attaining them.
You are the Business of You, your success and greatness will largely depend on your ability to plan, on you not procrastinating, on you being patient and on your strength to persevere. Every morning the prayer of faith in your dreams must consume your soul, so that every aspect of your plan will be realized.
“As a man thinketh so is he” a quote from my favorite book the King James Version of the Bible. We are all products of our thoughts, our choices, weather we act upon them or not are based upon them. The more we linger on them the more they become a product of our reality.
You will be hindered, you progression maybe slowed at times even stopped, remember failure is not an option. Remember as the man thinks so he will become, do not allow the setback, or the failure, to invade your mind and consume your thoughts. If you do your business the business of you will fail, and Failure is not an option.
This is your Business, your vision, this is the Business of You, seize the greatness that is yours to have.
Keith M. Dean (The Business of You)
Thank you Dean. Great reminder.I’m still that’s my challenge right now!
Miou, they say the first step in overcoming any challenge is recognition. There are times when we may feel the challenge is to huge to overcome, no one says you have to tackle it all in one go, try breaking it down into little pieces, not only will you eventually achieve your goal, but along the way you will grow in confidence with every piece you chip away.