Who is to blame for this cancer that is eating away at the very heart of this nation? Are they, Am I, Are you?
Every day as we turn on the television our eyes become fixed on the screen as newscasters continually remind us of the violence in our society being committed by our youth. We turn on our radios and our ears are bombarded with the horrifying stories of child molestation’s and abandonment along with the slap on the wrist penalties that do very little to stop these perpetrators.
We read our newspapers and are minds are shocked into the reality, that our educational system is pushing our kids out to face the world with less than adequate educational requirements to get even a non-skilled job.
When will this madness end, who, will be the one to break the cycle, will they, will I, will you?
We have become a nation of finger pointers and blame throwers. Judges, Lawyers, and Police Officials blaming each other. Teachers, parents and students all blaming one or the other. The ruling governing party and the official opposition are so blinded by retaining their political power instead of coming together to solve the problem they continue both blaming each other.
We must stop pointing our fingers to find blame; we must start focusing our energies to find creative solutions. We must tell our children its not enough to just say no but they must say yes to way of life that is worth living.
Yes to a belief in God that will teach them to respect and love themselves and their neighbors. Yes to a belief in Country that will instill in them honor and pride and teach them that it is better to upgrade one’s surroundings than to tear it down.
My Fellow Bahamians there is no excuse for our country’s high rate of child abuse, there is no justification for the violent crime rate of this nation. The time for us has come to say, no more, I say no more.
We must stand together in our streets and tell the drug dealers and gang-bangers, No More, I Say No More. We must stand in our churches and tell those men of the cloth who defile their robes, No More, I Say No More.
We must stand in our court rooms and tell our Lawyers, Judges and Policeman who make a mockery of our judicial system, No more, I say No more.
We must stand together in our house of parliament and to those members who are sitting and doing nothing while our country’s morals are wasting away we must tell them, No More I say No More.
Keith M. Dean