Matthew 5:16 kjv
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven”
When the negative attributes of others like anger, hate, malice, violence, pride, greed, selfishness and unforgiving hearts collaborate to darken your life, so that you may stray off of the path the Father of Heaven has designed to bless you more abundantly.
At that moment when it seems as if the darkest hour is about to envelope you, grab hold of the faith and trust in him that has seen you through refiner fire after refiner fire. Remember how it was his words that sparked you to a change of heart, and the feeling of his abounding love which constantly gave you the strength and courage to go on.
Now is not the time to give up and give in to the confusion and fear brought about by the darkness, nor is it time to sit idly by hoping that the darkness will pass. Far from it because now is the time for you to manifest the joy your heart feels, and give Christ all the praise, thanks and honor deserving to his name.
Now is the time to illuminate from within, the candle of light and of hope through service to your fellowman. The candle of peace and humility by continual obedience to the Saviors laws, and the candle of selflessness, kindness and forgiveness to your neighbor even those who lay in wait to bring about your destruction, so that the darkness can be vanquished.
Keith M. Dean