A key ingredient EMPOWERMENT can stop the rotting infestations which can
occur because of poor, abusive, or lack of leadership. Some have said and I concur that it (Empowerment Leadership) must be a chief cornerstone to the foundation of an organization, because rest assured without it being an intrical part of the organizations CULTURE, walls will begin to crack and crumble, windows will assuredly shatter and eventually the ceiling and roof will find it way among the heaped rubble.
Bill Gates was quoted as saying “As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who empower others.” An organization must have in its Vison Plan for its future growth, the systematic development of the empowerment skill for all of its employees, most definitely for those who have been given leadership stewardships. Where
worldwide economic climates of countries are changing so rapidly, the likely hood of a domino effect impacting the economic wellbeing of one country by another country is no longer in doubt. The global economic village is here and is here to stay. Those organizations who have invested in implanting the empowerment gene into their employees, will find increases in performance outputs and an increase in their service improvement numbers.
What amazes me is how the Vision of a company/organization is mostly always found hanging on a wall, but more often than not cannot be found in the heart of the employee. It will certainly be more difficult to embed the empowerment skill within the employee, if the vision is not being articulated clearly, if it is seeds cannot be found in the training program, and most importantly if its example is not being lived by the HEAD OF THE FISH.
Tom Ridge, politician/author noted the following “You have to enable and empower people to make decisions independent of you. As I’ve learned, each person on a team is an extension of your leadership; if they feel empowered by you they will magnify your power to lead”. When the light of the Vision shines forth from the leadership, it empowers employees to take Initiative, make decisions and to solve problems, even those once thought to be weak links will now be strengthened, and teamwork will become the norm and not the exception.
On one occasion while waiting to be interviewed I could not help but to overhear a conversation taking place between two members of the staff. The conversation ended with one telling the other to “ensure that before ANY DECISION is made in this company they must get approval from the execs, or there will be hell to pay.” I was fortunate to not have the opportunity to work for that company. Empowerment Leadership paves the way for the employees to feel comfortable with sharing ideas, and to manage themselves, by giving them all the required knowledge and tools necessary.
It is about helping them to understand that freedom to make decisions is part of a two sided coin, the other being ACCOUNTABILITY. Recognizing that having one without the other devalues the existence of the both. President Theodore Roosevelt said “..the best executives are the ones who have sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.
As a leader when was the last time you unwrapped your fish, inspected it thoroughly and got close enough to smell it. If you haven’t done so in a while take the time to DO IT NOW. If you find signs that may concern you, see what a difference Empowering can make.
KEITH M. DEAN / CEO & Founder – The BusinessofU