Matthew 22:37-39 kjv
“37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
The instruction given by a loving Heavenly Father to first develop every aspect of your true and divine self and then in like manner share that same growth and fulfillment with all who you come in contact with should never be taken as merely guidelines for mankind. They should however be characterized as foundational life principals that when applied as outlined can lead one to achieve and be the partaker in all the riches and joy the author of them has made available.
Make no mistake it is not coincidental that you are required to initially take a sincere look in the mirror and commit to changing your life in word and deed to reflect his image in your countenance. Through the continually day to day living of the way of life that brings you closer and closer to the oneness in Christ, you will see an increase in all that you stand in need of.
As you grow closer by embracing this wonderful way of life, you will begin to recognize that your true and divine nature has limitless potential to achieve anything you put your heart, mind and soul into. And from deep within will rise a strength to conquer all the fears, and challenges that will come your way.
Now armed with the knowledge that this new found way of life is indeed the way of life worth living every moment will seem like an opportunity that must not be allowed to pass by without you sharing what you have gained. And as you begin to communicate the goodness you have been enjoying, those you share it with will feel the strength and power of your commitment, confidence and conviction.
You can never share what you do not have, to whatever level of degree of love you have it is only that which can impart. Develop a Christ like love and give every ounce of who have become to the world.
Keith M. Dean