The bottom line goal of all businesses is to ensure that year over year they are achieving greater productivity, profitability, etc. in all areas of the business. And the best companies in the world know that this is only achieved by the investment in and the development of their greatest asset, their people. Tanya Clemens, V.P. of Global Executive & Org was quoted as saying “We have done lots of research over the past three years and we have found that leaders who have the best Coaching skills have better business results.” And the former CEO of Home Depot, Bob Nardelli noted “I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities.”
Here in lies the full value of Coaching, because it synergizes everyone with the overall vision and mission goals of the company. It creates a work environment which fosters RESPECT for the entire workforce which will no doubt bring about the welcome benefit of less resistance to change when it has to occur. It requires personnel to become more Knowledgeable and skilled in their areas, because the inevitable truth is you can’t coach what you do not know.
There will invariably be an increase in Motivation and Commitment levels, employees being eager to take on new and existing challenges and not becoming disillusioned until they’ve found innovative ways to overcome them. John Russell, Managing Director, Harley―Davidson Europe Ltd was quoted as saying “I never cease to be amazed at the power of the Coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within an individual and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.”
The workplace Communication will now become more geared to building and strengthening Relationships, allowing for open, honest and Respectable Feedback and forming growing levels of trust and comradery. This will allow for and ensure that a wider input from team members will occur when plans are being made and goals are being set. This will ferment the buy-in from all parties and encourage everyone to develop more Realistic and Consistent attitudes and approaches with respect to working with each other and the achievement of the goals that have been set.
Keith M. Dean
The BusinessofU