There is no doubt that for a business to be successful one of the cornerstones of its foundation must be “People Skills Management”. The job market has become so saturated with individuals with the skill sets to work in most existing work environments a managers main priority no longer has to be on the functioning of the operation. He or she now has to focus on managing their direct reports whose educational and experience levels go beyond what the job calls for.
Managers now have to know how to recognize, develop, harness, and promote the potential of each of their direct reports individually and collectively as a team to achieve sustained success. For a lot of department heads transitioning from technical/operational management to human management can be uncomfortable even frightening. This greater level of required professional intimacy is without a doubt challenging, however most managers after having adopted, bought into and adapted to their new focused priorities, wished they had done it much sooner.
There are three skill sets that must be embraced and continually fine-tuned which are key for the successful evolutionary process of the manager. Essential to the transformation the manager will be required to focus on improving his/her Coaching, Counseling and Corrective Management abilities. I like to call them my “3 C’s Prescription” to a healthy and successful work environment. Each “C Pill” once discovered, digested and then disseminated will not only encourage, excite and elevate managerial behavioral performances it will also lead to a work force which is motivated to achieving and/or exceeding company and personal goals.
Keith M. Dean
The BusinessofU