The most important characteristic that a CEO needs to look for in those of his/her direct reports is that of leadership. Those residing at the C-Suite level should have already acquired and demonstrated optimal operational management skills, the key now is can they lead their teams to operational success after arming them with that knowledge.
The Choosey CEO must therefore look for those who know and adopt these three key leadership values.
“You are what you Eat” -Anthelme Brillat-Savarin.
The great leaders have an insatiable appetite for positive personal development. You can always find them consuming something from the buffet table of their career choice. Their craving is always being pricked by the purpose driven mindset to achieve the goals they have written on unbreakable stone. The slogan “no one can eat just one” is woven into every fiber of their being, creating this almost uncontrollable urge to always be about seeking and devouring the best books that will keep them informed and focused to succeed.
“The mind is a terrible thing to waste”- Forest Long
The passion for individual personal development is matched only for the personal development of those a leader lead. Success is a fruit that can only be picked from a tree with the help from others. Empowering his/her team requires that they are shared all of the required information necessary and most importantly the most update and correct knowledge. Not only is the team given the appropriate tools, but they are also facilitated in how to best use the tools to achieve greater productivity. Micromanaging is like a vacuum the constant hovering is annoying and sucks up the creativity and energy the team needs for growth and development so the great leaders allow the teams they lead flexibility and the opportunity to learn from trial and error, and like the good neighbor you can trust to watch your house, leaders build trust by being there to lift up, inspire and motivate when called upon or having recognized the right time to jump in and give warranted advice through the principal of accountability.
“Actions speak louder than words”-Old Golden Proverb
The great leaders live in the movements they create, they are not afraid to improvise and adapt when faced with obstacles, challenges are embraced and not feared no matter how often or suddenly they may appear, they are not the bystanders of the road to success they are the builders and the pavers, their advice and know how is drawn from the well of personal experience which they themselves built and filled. Their success becomes a living testament because their achievements are intermingled with setbacks and failures which were overcome and are unapologetically left for others to see in the hopes, they can be used by others to avoid those pitfalls.
Keith M. Dean
CEO & Founder
The Businessofu