Throughout your day you are thinking new thoughts, feeling new feelings and acting upon all of the new ideas that others share. That you that woke up this morning will not be the same you that will wake up tomorrow morning. We are constantly changing as human beings, it happens around us, inside of us and without exception to every one of us. Author Yehuda Berg noted “Change is inevitable. Things absolutely cannot stay the same. the type of change we invoke is up to each and everyone of us.”
The inevitability of change shows the importance and value of its essentiality. Believing in the functionality of change in the human grand experience can and will lead to you becoming a BETTER U. “Embrace change, True success can be defined by your ability to adapt to changing circumstances.” – Connie Sky – The Great leaders know that change is always happening, they embrace it, and they fashion it to enhance the vision of their ambitions. They do not just talk about change that is needed, they become the change that is needed.

On that change journey to becoming a Better U it will require the shedding off of the old, cemented ways of thinking. And not just thinking outside the box, but maybe even BLOWING UP THE BOX. This releases you from the temptation of the safe harbor of returning to the old ways. Deepak Chopra noted author is quoted ” All great changes are proceeded by chaos.” There is no such thing as a perfect transition during change. Oftentimes it requires a leap of faith. Trusting in your plan, your vision and your passion to achieve a Better U.
Edward Young an English poet first coined the phrase “procrastination is the thief of time.” Your time is precious, every second you delay and every minute you procrastinate moving on your change journey you steal from achieving your change goal. Hesitancy is only natural at first, to factor in the landscape of the bumps in road and the mountainous obstacles, these have to be considered in your plan. Your train has left the station, there is no reason for slowing down or stopping, only for increasing the momentum to the destination of a Better U.

Purpose, Passion, Persistence and Perseverance these four fueling agents should always be the focused energy providers on your change journey. Become purpose driven and you will never question the why of your change journey. Become passion driven and you will forever embrace the love of your change journey. Become persistent driven and detours will remain side road signs as you pass them by on your change journey. Become perseverance driven and regardless of the obstacles you will overcome them to become a Better U.
“To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end in life.” -Robert Louis Stevenson-
Keith M. Dean