There will be those times, while you are progressing ever forward on the path of your success, when everything is going smoothly and you are at a time when everything is falling into place and coming together. Then almost as if out of nowhere you find yourself standing in the middle of a crossroad.
That’s right, smack dab in the middle of a crossroad, and as your mind is trying to figure out how you got here, seeds of confusion and doubt also start to creep their way in. You may even begin to question the validity of your plans to achieve your dreams.
Whatever you do, you cannot afford to stand in the middle of the crossroad for too long because you might end up getting run over by a truck, or worse if you stay there long enough those seeds of doubts and confusion will begin to grow roots. And not long thereafter, there you will be sitting under their tree using their branches and leaves for safety and security, afraid to go on and ultimately giving up on your goals.
Whenever you find yourself feeling somewhat lost, and not at all sure what the direction of your next step should be, do not be afraid to reach in your back pocket and pull out your phone and ask for directions. I was taught by mother “when in doubt do not be afraid to ask”.
Never make the journey of your success only about yourself because in moments like these you will find yourself by yourself with no one to call on for advice. Remember never be too arrogant to believe you made it on your own. Someone, somewhere in your journey assisted you with reaching their hand out and giving you a hand up.
Always be willing to lift up those you meet along the way because you never know when you may have to stop, regroup and they find you there while passing by. Family, friends, business associates etc., creating and developing these relationships will provide you with a strong and healthy network that you can trust to call in cases of emergency, like finding yourself at a Crossroad.
Keith M. Dean