The success or failure of any business will be their ability to adapt to the rapidly changing environments which are forced upon them by government regulations, their competition, global trends and inevitably internal situations. Those companies who have found success have mastered the important art of motivating their personnel to buy in to whatever the change is, whenever it comes and however it affects.
This process of buy in for every staff member does not just start when the change rears its head at the doorstep of the company, it begins from when staff are first interviewed, it is further embedded during training, focused on and consistently nourished during their probation and strengthened continually so that it becomes rooted and interwoven as a part of job performance DNA.
Every individual from executive to frontline staff are helped to understand the importance of the role each plays in ensuring that the mission of the company is achieved. They are encouraged to be fully engaged in transforming the written vision into reality.
The Supervisor-Managing Leader’s role is pivotal in helping the transition of the change be seen as positive and the eventual outcome effective. The key to achieving both of these results is largely dependent on how the personnel see you, do they see you as a Motivator or will they see you as a Manipulator.
Those mangers who resort to the tactics of manipulation have been found to have one common denominator, and that is they themselves have not bought into the change. So they lack the passion to inspire and motivate their direct reports to believe, embrace, and engage in the change.
This disconnect becomes so apparent it ultimately causes confusion and doubt to spread like a contagious virus infecting all that would allow it. Blinded by the eagerness to only disseminate the information and get it over with he or she is satisfied to let the chips fall where they may, even to the detriment of the company.
The Supervisor-Managing Leader, the Motivator realizes that change must come from within the individual and starts with those that he or she leads having to trust in them. This trust has been building from day one, through OPEN and HONEST COMMUNICATION.
Always sharing both the pros and cons, the strengths along with the weakness of situations. Never dodging questions, and maintaining constant eye contact throughout. The motivator recognizes when their direct reports are treated this way, they may not agree with everything right away, but they will try it out, and now the buy in has moved from not just coming from within but to application.
I was once told by a friend the greatest ammunition that can be given to a soldier to win a battle is not guns, grenades or tanks but information, clear, concise and truthful no matter how hard it maybe. It can, may or will be the one thing that keeps them pushing forward and coming home alive.
The Supervisor-Managing Leader, the Motivator, as busy and hectic as their schedule may get will always be willing to be a helping hand, is not afraid to roll up their sleeves and get in the mud if they have to. BEING THERE shows your commitment to them and to the new directive that has been put in place.
Now that your direct reports see that no stone will be left unmoved by you to accomplish the task, they will feel more comfortable coming along for the ride recognizing that you to have a stake in the failure and/or success of the change. Your example to lead, guide and protect them by their sides through the ever changing environments will catapult them into the stage of adopting the change.
The Supervisor-Managing Leader, Motivator takes nothing for granted, APPRECIATING the hard work and commitment of those who have bought into the new policies. He or She knows and identifies with the struggles that many may have had to go through to accomplish bringing the change into a cultural reality. By acknowledging the value you see in them along the way to cultural change in the work place will continue to strengthen the bonds interwoven by previous successes.
You are The Supervisor-Managing Leader, You are the Motivator, you harness and unleash the creative ideas of your direct reports, you help those you lead to recognize their true potential and You are the Unifier that strengthens the company’s DNA.
Keith M. Dean