The dictionary defines indispensable as: “someone or something that is absolutely necessary, that is essential, someone or something that is incapable of being disregarded. “ Are you that someone?
Are you that confident that at this very moment in your life you can say I am much more than just a number.
If you are uncertain here is some advice, take advantage of every opportunity. And what do I mean when I say that, I mean that if you have been coming to work on time start coming in early, those project deadlines close them with time to spare, and never be late for an appointment, your new mantra when you wake up in the mornings needs to become “Timelines is next to Godliness” and I will be perfected in it.
Tomorrow at work make it a priority to look through the training schedule and find those areas where you need to strengthen and do not be afraid to stretch your wings by stepping outside the box of your expertise. There may be some departments that are running a little short on staffing and are looking for a few shifts to be filled do not hesitate to show that you are not only flexible but also a team player.
You know that urge you get ten to fifteen minutes before it’s time to leave, the one that causes you to watch the clock and makes every minute feel like an hour well, resist it. Bring overtime back into your working vocabulary, it is not a bad word and an extra hour a day will not kill you, it will help to secure you.
Know your company, how much did it profit or loose the previous year, what are its strengths and weakness, history, mission statement etc., armed with this information you will be able to effectively communicate your presentations and strengthen the belief in others in the decisions you make.
Lead by example, let your actions speak ten time louder than your words. They must scream I care about the vision, mission and goals of the company. Those that report to you, coach, counsel and without envy or malice intent correct ensure that they feel more than just a number, lead them to feel indispensable.
Keith M. Dean