Time Management
Part 1
“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it.” M. Scott Peck
Effective Time management begins with you.
When the twenty four hour cycle of your day begins does it find you, how? Does it find you sitting comfortably at the breakfast table reviewing your daily calendar schedule which you began completing from the day before, or does it find you running out the door frantically to your car, racing to work only to arrive minutes late again.
Are you finding yourself habitually in the ever revolving door of the latter, day in and day out arriving to work minutes late, smiling or laughing and finding very colorful sometimes long winded excuses for your tardiness. Has that internal clock that should be tick toking with all parts working in harmony, somehow, somewhere been dismantled?
Maybe your clock is broken with parts all over the place, or it may just need some fine tuning. In either case the time to fix it is now. Take control of your life by managing your time wisely. By being proactive in managing your time, and naturally you will begin to see what are your priorities and the value you’ve attached to those priorities.
In both your personal and professional life confusion and imbalance will give way to order and balance. The stresses and pressures that come with having to make deadlines and achieve goals, those you may still have to keep, however as you focus your efforts burnouts and meltdowns will become things of the past.
Gone will be the days of racing against time and arriving late, or dreading to look at the multitude of unorganized notes that are every place conceivable. The dawn of a new day will have arrived a day when the energy in your step has you at work early, eager to review the planned goals and what tasks are required for their achievement.
As you sit coordinating and mapping out your activities and the times required, always put in place a plan B for the variables that always seem to pop up outside the scope of your control. No need to be wasting time twiddling thumbs, sweating and wondering what to do next. Let the world know “I got this.”
When the day is done there will be no brooding as to what tomorrow will have in store, as you have looked at those tasks which will require the maximum use of your time along with those of low priority and strategized how to effectively and efficiently rid yourself of wasted time.
Time is commodity that everyone has, those who value it recognize its value for personal achievements, those who invest in it understand it relationship to divine potential, and those who manage it wisely understand its worth in the day to day lives of humankind.
Keith M. Dean