Apathy Destroys A Nation


Apathy / Hate / Prejudice

Throughout man’s history we have coined and accepted the truth of the phrase “the opposite of love is hate”. May I take this opportunity to suggest that we look at another attribute that is not only hates equal but can also be considered its father, the attribute of Apathy.

Dictionaries define apathy as having an absence of emotion or feeling, freedom from emotion of any kind and or lack of interest in or concern for something or someone.

Leo Buscaglia a noted, author, professor and motivational speaker in one of his books states following “I have a very strong feeling the opposite of love is not hate – it’s apathy, it’s not giving a damn. If someone hates me they must feel something…or they couldn’t possibly hate. Therefore, there’s some way I can get to them.”

This would give us insight as to why slavery and the horrible atrocities associated with it could last for so long, and why the prejudices which lay in the hearts of men have lead too segments of societies being disregarded, alienated, and disenfranchised. Why some human beings are thought of and treated as less than equal, and because of such denied the simple basic God given human rights, to have or voice their opinion, to have access to labor opportunities, even the right to live.

When people purposefully harden their hearts, intentionally close their eyes, willfully cover their ears, and callously turn their backs on others simply because of their race, sex, nationality, weight, etc.; it can and will only lead to a nation imploding from within. The lack of care and concern for others leads to lack of communication, lack of communication leads to a lack of knowledge and understanding, and if we do not know and understand each other how can we give wise advice other on how we can grow together.

The attribute of apathy is a selfish one it only focuses on the individual or the we as a group, it has no concern about the welfare and needs of others it cannot and will never be selfless in nature. It is the natural man which is always at enmity with God, and which embraces the all for me and the selfish disdain for others. We must never forget that we (all nations, kindred and tongues) are all a part of the Human Society, if the human society is to flourish, then individually and collectively we have an obligation to be “our brother’s keeper”.

As a small nation we as Bahamians cannot allow ourselves to be tainted by world standards, however we cannot allow ourselves to fall prey to misguided and selfish fears. We can and must rise above the vile and degrading verbal sentiments and violent physical abuse that rear their ugly heads.

It starts within the heart of each individual to never stop caring, even for those with whom you may have a difference of opinion.

Keith M. Dean

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